The extent of the 'extensions of man'

_sungbae kim
Today is last day. This class was hard for me. It is more difficult than I thought about media.
After sungbae's presetation, Dr yoon explained the over all media aesthetic.
When I just get in this university, I knew I'll learn computer science and design. I was lacking in comprehension of media. In addtion I didn't know media art or media aesthetic. But now, I understood. This class helped me.


1.6.5 Conclusion: the extent of the 'extension of man'
  • The medium is the message - McLuhan
  • Causally
  • Self-extending
  • The question of technology in culture
  • Metaphysical
    :the branch of philosophy that investigates principles of reality transcending those of any particular science, traditionally, cosmology and ontology.
  • Realism
  • Nominalism
    : the doctrine holding that abstract concepts, general terms, or universals have no independent existence but exist only as names.
  • Soft determinism

** New aesthetic object: Media aesthetic

1. Aesthetic object: from materal to abstract idea

2. New aesthetic object

  • short history of technology - based media art before 2000s
  • Media art works after 2000s
    : digital media, HCI, Graphics, Vision, Networking, VR, AR, MR
   - Marcel Duchamp Fountain, 1916-17
   - Andy Warhol

3. Applied media artwork

  • ex. artcom, spot installation