Change and Continuity

_taewoo kim

Company need 'revolution'. But, users don't like totally new thing. They don't hate it, they just feel constrained. So, company leave 'continuity' in new thing.
When I was very young, I didn't agree that. Because, I felt "all about computer is not difficult". And I knew "I'm early adaptor". But, now it is not true. 'NEW or CHANGE' is a nuisance. AH! It's a serious matter....T-T


- Polarised over the degree of new media's newness.
- Hinges upon the disciplinary frameworks and discourses
- Revolutionary - a historical perspective

1.3.2 Measuring 'newness'
How new or how large changes
-> We need to establish from what previous states things hae changed
  • Brian Winston :: observes, the concept of a revolution
  • Kevin Robins :: whatever might be 'new' about digital technologies, there is something old in the imaginary signification of "imagerevolution"
Three possibilities
  1. how can we know that new thing is made from
  2. familiar in everyday use or consumption
    lose out curiosity and vigilance, ceasing to ask questions
  3. degrees of nevelty
    new media buzzword interactivity

** im-mediacy / hyper-mediacy

** a scanner darkly
A Scanner Darkly is a 2006 film by Richard Linklater based on the Philip K. Dick novel of the same name. The film tells the story of identity and deception in a near-future dystopia constantly monitored by intensive high-technology police surveillance in the midst of a huge drug addiction epidemic. To give the film its distinct look, the movie was filmed digitally and then animated using interpolated rotoscope over the original footage.
The film was written and directed by Richard Linklater, and it stars Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder, Woody Harrelson, Robert Downey, Jr., and Rory Cochrane. Steven Soderbergh and George Clooney are among the film's executive producers. A Scanner Darkly was released in July 2006 in limited release, and then widely released later that month. The movie was screened at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival and the 2006 Seattle International Film Festival. The film was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form in 2007.
The title is a reference to a verse in the Christian Bible, 1 Corinthians: 13:12: "For now we see through a glass, darkly."



_jihye jeon

My opinion is same the last class. so, I just talk about the 'ID'

ID is indentity in dictionary. anyway, we use this to get in some web-page. So. Does ID means myself? I thought 'ID(or avatar) is just string or imagefile'. But, I take care of it unconsciously. We regard 'avatar represent me' in online community.

This is my minime(미니미). I gave her ID. She is me in cyworld. but she live in only miniroom T^T. I change her clothes by periods.


  • sensory - experience (-> Immersive VR)
  • Comectivity - world, network (-> Online networks)

1.2.7 Cyberspace

- Imersive VR : a site-specific enclosure in technology
- VR of online networks : the invisivle space of communication

A future scenario
  • embodiment : of having and being conscious of having bodies
  • cyberspace : future fusion in the same frame

  • virtual actors or synthespians
  • The computing power and the telecommunications bandwidth

1.2.8 Conclusion

New media is in progress now

** William gibson's blog




_kyuho choi

I have heard about virtuality(virtual reality, VR) in game programming or movie. I thought VR is just 'equipment' for wearing like the movie 'Minority Report'. On the contrary, 'virtual reality' is a general concept and include screen based multimedia, the space(created by or within communications networks) and something.. and also the 'equipment' like the movie.
VR space in online combine the anonymity. after that, It makes new world. We can live another man in this space, How amusing! (but, we need real cash in VR sapce -_-)

Dr. Yoon talked 'Wendy ewald' when he explained about frame. I found her works. and I thought 'Maybe..Korean girls are qualified to find the frame and focus. because sel-ca or phone-ca (self camera)'. Actually, My self photo is greater than another picture. (HAHA ;;;;;)


  Reality ↔ virtual reality / augmented reality / mixed reality

1.2.5 Virtuality ( = Virtual Reality = VR)
  • Simulation :: Reality ↔ virtual reality / augmented reality / mixed reality
  • "Virtuality" refers to the seeming of anything, as opposed to its reality.

1.2.6 Which virtual reality?

  • 'Place' and 'Spaces' created by or within communications networks.
  • first, it is used to describe the cxperience of immersion in an environment constructed with computer graphics and digital video with which the 'user' has some degree of interaction.
  • A second meaning is the space where participants in online communication feel themselves to be.
  • Problens of VR's future - My 11 reaseons.

** Wendy ewald
What is the world really like through a child's eyes? Can a camera teach a child the value of self-expression? What is the role of education in art? Acclaimed photographer Wendy Ewald takes your questions on the subject.

** Second life



_jooyub shin

Dispersal is '분산' in korean.
and Distribution is '분포'

What's different ?
Two words is totally different.
I think dispersal is how to let know in media. There live too many people in this world. We think 'What can deliver effectively?'. So, we use the broadcasting, networking and somting.


  • Mass media and New media : Differentiated audience is no longer a mass audience
  • The multiplicity(various view, usage) of messages and source
  • Difference between centralised and dispersed media distribution systems : Radio broad cast networks, Computer networks (Winamp, ICQ)


  • Developments of production technologies : The traditional boundaries and definitions between different media processes are breaking down
  • Content can be reworked for dozen of different outlets
  • Available in domestic software packages : Photographic production through manipulation and distrivution through compression (ex. photoshop, illustrator)

Consumption meets production

  • Prosumer(Producer + consumer) marketing
  • Neither the professional nor the amateur



_jinju lee

What is 'Hyper' ?
When I write this text, There are some buttons in screen. One of them is Hyper-link button. I just understood this word. 'Hyper' includes some things related and means more than itself.
And I visited web site "art museum"
This web site is very simple and explains about "multimedia : from wagner to VR". Main page had links about project centering around 'the book'.


  • 'Hyper' is derived from the Greek 'above, beyond, or outside'
  • The term into academic literary and representational theory.
  • the language of the computer development industry.


  • Each one carries an number of pathways to other units
  • Analogue vs Digitaly

- Hypertext and a model of the mind

- Hypertext as non-sequential writing

- Hypermediacy

- Critical questions in hypertext

- Hypertext scholarship

- Hypertext as the practice of literary theory

  • Some major points of contemporary literary and semiological theory
  • The basis for cultural production
  • Principle of hypertextuality is key to understanding new media

**Dada or Dadaism is a cultural movement that began in neutral Zürich, Switzerland, during World War I and peaked from 1916 to 1920. The movement primarily involved visual arts, literature (poetry, art manifestoes, art theory), theatre, and graphic design, and concentrated its anti war politic through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti-art cultural works. Dada activities included public gatherings, demonstrations, and publication of art/literary journals. Passionate coverage of art, politics, and culture filled their publications. The movement influenced later styles, movements, and groups including Surrealism, Pop Art, and Fluxus.

**Multimedia : from wagner to VR


** S/Z, published in 1970, is Roland Barthes's structuralist analysis of Sarrasine, the short story by Honoré de Balzac. Barthes methodically moves through the text of the story, denoting where and how different codes of meaning function. Barthes's study has had a major impact on literary criticism, and is historically located at the crossroads of structuralism and post-structuralism. Barthes's analysis is influenced by the structuralist linguistics of Ferdinand de Saussure; both Barthes and de Saussure aim to explore and demystify the link between a sign and its meaning. Barthes seeks to establish the overall system out of which all individual narratives are created, using specific "codes" that thematically, semiotically, and otherwise make a literary text "work". By pointing out how these codes function subconsciously in the mind of the reader, Barthes flags the way in which the reader is an active producer of the text, rather than a passive consumer.



_kihoon Kim

When I wan freshman, I heard the word 'interactive', I didn't know what this mean. but, after that I always heard the words.

The world is society. so, we have to communicate someone. As the technology advanced, It comes into being many media. It makes possible that we can interactive. but, It can't communicate clear. so, It has many problems.

I hard to communicate even if I can speak almost language. I think these problems is not only media.



  • feedback (ex. the machine, touch screen : beep) - early interactive
  • ex. website : amazon, google (early gmail, like a pyramid)

Ideological level (value from market)

  • ex. shopping

Instrumental level

  • ex. web TV provide email, online shopping, home banking

Hypertextual navigation

  • user can constract for him or her self an individualised text

  • Interpretation, miss understood.
  • Definition (signifier & signified : not fixed, keep changing)
  • Producers



_ sungwon jung

Digital reminds me 'one and zero'.
I think digital is just number. Digitalizing can make numbers from real world. Number is easy to claculate, change and modify....so, I thnik Digital is good !

- What does digital mean
- Analog & Digital
  • physical properties of the input data
  • → binary numeric form
Digital technology
  • Embrace all areas involved art
  • Can modify

Visual literacy

  • Embrace the fluid, ever-changing universe that exists inside the computer

Distinguishing between kinds of new media

_ soojung sin

Multi media develop cleary and closely more and more. On the contray, Imagination dwindle away into almost nothing. is it good or bad ? I don't know. even so, fortunately, Old one don't disappear. New one include old.


New Media
  • new textual experiences : genre, textual, hypertexts
  • new ways of representing the world
  • new relationships between subjects (users and consumers) and media technoloies
  • new experiences of the relationship to technological media
  • new patterns of organization and production


  • computer-mediated communications : email, MUDs, MOOs
  • new ways of distributing and consuming
  • virtual reality
  • a whole range of transformations and dislocations of established media


  • text : real thing, words, sentance...
  • textuality : connotation, property, message...

- Duplicate vs Real

- Representation

- we can see that we knew.

- subject (subjectivity)


Non-technical and inclusive

_ eui-kwon song

I thought, I understand media. but, I don't know media at present......again...- _ -

Which one is media ?
I don't know if media is tools or forms it self.
When the picture for example, Is medium egg-white or painting itself?

  • pure media ---> egg-white
  • inter media ---> painting itself
  • new media ---> both egg-white and painting.
is it right??

hmm......It is very difficult. and I am confused


- Not limited to one norrow concept of field of techology
- Range of phenomena
- Generl, Abstract → inclusive
- Digital + Media

Image (Digital / Digitalize)
  • visining image <---dont care..
  • sensory image <---focus

Medium <---keep change

  • pure medium : base on visionary, all medium, include old, old is good.
  • inter medium
  • new media ( our thought!!) : similar inter media. but, include pure media