
_kihoon Kim

When I wan freshman, I heard the word 'interactive', I didn't know what this mean. but, after that I always heard the words.

The world is society. so, we have to communicate someone. As the technology advanced, It comes into being many media. It makes possible that we can interactive. but, It can't communicate clear. so, It has many problems.

I hard to communicate even if I can speak almost language. I think these problems is not only media.



  • feedback (ex. the machine, touch screen : beep) - early interactive
  • ex. website : amazon, google (early gmail, like a pyramid)

Ideological level (value from market)

  • ex. shopping

Instrumental level

  • ex. web TV provide email, online shopping, home banking

Hypertextual navigation

  • user can constract for him or her self an individualised text

  • Interpretation, miss understood.
  • Definition (signifier & signified : not fixed, keep changing)
  • Producers

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