Measuring 'newness'

_jungjin lee

I didn't understand this class and also Roger's pictures;; I just felt like last lecture.
Roger's Pictures was a strange to me. First, when I look at the pictures I thought it is landscape pictures. but he told about pictures. It includes many thing. After that, I was confused (Actually, I am a simple-minded person. haha;;)
He represented connections between these pictures using the frame in the picture. and he invites the viewer to make thematic and conceptual connections between photographs and identify coer concerns and themes through relationships between pictures and the places they represent.


Old media in new times?

'Digital television' is not a new medium but is best understood as a change in the form of delivering the contents of the TV medium.

  • New media: digital television
  • Old media: immersive VR, online, interactive, multimedia

The media of 'remediation'

Jay bolter and Richard Grusin

  • The digital technologies 'refashion older media'
  • These older media 'refashion themselves to answer to the challengers of new media'
  • New media are not born in a vanccum and, as media, would have no resources

# Cultural (mis)understanding through photographs
_prof. Roger Palmer


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