Teleological accounts of new media

_semi park

Today, we talked about 'art history'

A fewdays ago, I read the book which of the title is "비키니를 입은 현대미술". The book's author is Nancy Lang. It narrated "origin of art" the beginng of this book. It is also 'cave paintings'.

Almost people think 'maybe, the art started incantation meaning(주술적 의미)'. or,.. some people think 'it is just order'. Whatever, we don't know that unless someone make the time-machine.


From cave paintings to mobile phones
: In Rheingold historical scheme

From photography to telematics: extracting some sense from teleologies
: an eight-stage historical model of the progressive development of technologies of image production and transmission

Seeing the limitis of new media teleologies
: from an abstract system of logic, through the development of calculating machines, to the computer as a 'medium'

Foucault and genealogies of new media
: Foucauldian perspective

** Michel Faucault

** a beautifrul mind (film)

Directed by Ron Howard

Cast : Russel Crowe (Jhon nash)

The story begins in the early years of Nash's life at Princeton University as he develops his "original idea" that will revolutionize the world of mathematics. Later, Nash develops schizophrenia and endures paranoid and delusional episodes while painfully watching the loss and burden his condition brings on his wife and friends.

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